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  1. As regular attendance is an important element for successful school work, no student should absent, himself / herself from class without sufficient reasons.
  2. In case of serious illness, the Principal must be informed on time, and leave application should be accompanied by a doctor’s certificate. Long absence from the school without prior intimation will be viewed seriously. They are liable to be removed from the roll.
  3. Absence due to illness or any other reason should be intimated at once. Prior permission is required even for a short period of leave - day or two. Leave record should be duly filled by the parent / guardian on the pages provided in Hand Book.
  4. It is not advisable for parents to take away their wards during class hours. If a parent wants to take the child during class hours, prior permission of the Principal is required and the same should be intimated through the diary.
  5. Absence from test papers and examinations will be considered a serious breach of school discipline. Pupils who absent themselves from any of the terminal examinations, for any reason, other than sickness justified by doctor’s certificate will be considered having failed in that particular examination.
  6. Parents / guardians are requested to refrain from asking for special leave to attend weddings of other than the child’s own brother or sister or for religious ceremonies, social functions and domestic celebrations as leave for such purpose, is normally not granted during term days.
  7. Children are not allowed to bring any valuable articles such as wrist watch, electronic gadgets, camera, radio, mobile phone, jewellery etc. with them. School shall not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
  8. Improper conduct reflecting character, irregularity, continual neglect of studies, disobedience, insubordination and disrespect towards members of the staff, fights, fraudulence malpractice at tests and examinations, thieving, immoral behavior and other serious intentional offence, will attract expulsion from the school.
  9. Complaints by parents, if any, or remarks about the staff or school functioning must be brought to the notice of the Principal or Manager, and not to the staff concerned, in writing.
  10. The Management, Principal and staff will not be held responsible for any accidents or mishaps that may occur to the student, either on the premises or during to and fro journey to school.
  11. Speaking English is compulsory on school premises.
  12. Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. As a precautionary measure, it is suggested that they have their names inscribed on dress, articles like tiffin carriers, umbrellas, school bags, pencil box, etc. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss of articles of students.
  13. Lost articles retrieved must be claimed from the school office within a week, after stipulated time limit unclaimed articles will be disposed of.
  14. Any damage caused to the movable/immovable property of the school must be immediately reported to the Principal and will have to be made good.
  15. Classrooms and the school premises shall be kept neat and tidy. All waste papers must be put in the proper receptacle. Students must make a point of picking up and disposing of litter and caring for the appearance of the school. Plantation drives and clean up campaigns shall be done on the campus to sensitize students towards ‘Swatch Bharat’ and other environmental issues. All students are expected to participate.
  16. No pupil may possess any literature without having approved and signed by the class teacher or subject teachers, as appropriate. Unsigned literature will be confiscated. Students shall not posses objectionable substances or material; neither shall they share them.
  17. Students shall not possess any article that may cause injury to self or others.